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Manuela Arcuri


Birth name:

Emmanuela Arcuri




Latina, Italy



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5' 8½" (1.74 m)

Manuela Arcuri



Manuela Arcuri - Pictures

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Additional Free Pictures of Manuela Arcuri


Manuela Arcuri - Biography


Manuela Arcuri (born January 8, 1977) is an Italian actress and model.
Raised in Latina, Italy from an early age, after high school she enrolled in the Accademia d'Arte Drammatica (Academy for the Dramatic Arts) in Rome but she dropped out and enrolled in a 3-year sociology degree at the university. Manuela Arcuri, like many other young starlets of the 1990s and 2000s, was often the subject of gossip regarding her romantic relationships that put her on the covers of tabloids. She has a black belt in karate.

At a very early age she was attracted to showbusiness, and she became a fashion model; in 1995 she played parts in soap operas and in her first movie , Black Holes directed by Pappi Corsicato; then she had a supporting role in Graduates directed by Leonardo Pieraccioni, which brought her to the attention of the moviegoing public.
She continued acting in other movies and stage productions, such as A pretty story of a woman e Liolà at the side of Gianfranco Jannuzzo and under the direction of Gigi Proietti.
In 2000 Manuela Arcuri, now considered a sex symbol, appears in a calendar for the magazine GenteViaggi; the following year, another calendar, this time for the magazine Panorama, obtaining great success that consolidated her reputation and helped her land a role in the TV series Carabinieri; in 2001 she hosted the TV show Mai dire Goal with the Gialappa's Band; 2002 is the year for her crowning as a TV star , by co-hosting Sanremo 'Festival (2002) alongside Pippo Baudo and her colleague, actress Vittoria Belvedere.
In 2003 she co-hosted with Teo Teocoli and Anna Maria Barbera, the eighth series of the TV comedy show Scherzi a parte.

Manuela has been in relationships with several celebrities: among these the soccer player Francesco Coco and Olympic fencing champion Aldo Montano. In 2009 she began dating philanthropist Austin Ryan Fuentes however they broke-up in April 2009.


Manuela Arcuri - Filmography


"Il peccato e la vergogna" (2010) TV series .... Carmen Tabacchi (2010)
"Caterina e le sue figlie" .... Morena (2nd series 2007) (1 episode, 2010)
... aka Caterina e le sue figlie 2 (Italy: second season title)
- Episode dated 13 January 2010 (2010) TV episode
So che ritornerai (2009) (TV) .... Anna Gastaldi
"Mogli a pezzi" (2008) TV series .... Elisa
"Io non dimentico" .... Angela (2 episodes, 2008)
- Io non dimentico - Seconda puntata (2008) TV episode .... Angela
- Io non dimentico - Prima puntata (2008) TV episode .... Angela
Donne sbagliate (2007) (TV) .... Giulia Cocetti
L'onore e il rispetto (2006) (TV) .... Nella
... aka L'onore e il rispetto - Parte seconda (Italy: second season title)
Regina dei fiori (2005) (TV) .... Regina
Carabinieri: Sotto copertura (2005) (TV) .... Paola Vitali
Imperia, la grande cortigiana (2005) (TV) .... Imperia
Madame (2004) (TV) .... Concetta Sanzano/Sugar Baby
Con le unghie e con i denti (2004) (TV) .... Barbara
Cosa de brujas (2003) .... Maria
... aka The Witch Affair (International: English title)
"Carabinieri" .... Paola / ... (23 episodes, 2002-2003)
- La donna scomparsa (2003) TV episode .... Paola
- Senza ricetta (2003) TV episode .... Paola
- Due tipi speciali (2002) TV episode .... Paola Vitali
- Adolescenti in fuga (2002) TV episode .... Paola
- Arriva la cicogna (2002) TV episode .... Paola
(18 more)
Juana la Loca (2001) .... Aixa-Beatriz
... aka Giovanna la pazza (Italy)
... aka Mad Love (USA)
... aka Madness of Joan (USA)
... aka Madness of Love (USA)
A ruota libera (2000) .... Maria Grazia
... aka Freewheeling (International: English title)
Teste di cocco (2000) .... Nina
... aka Coconut Heads (International: English title)
"Pepe Carvalho" .... Scherezade (1 episode, 1999)
- Alla ricerca di Sheherazade (1999) TV episode .... Scherezade
"Anni '60" (1999) TV mini-series .... Laura
Voglio stare sotto al letto (1999) .... Ragazza Bruna
Bagnomaria (1999) .... La bombolonaia
"Disokkupati" (1997) TV series .... Angelina
Finalmente soli (1997)
... aka Finally Alone (International: English title: literal title)
Cuori perduti (1997) .... Nicla Chiodi
A spasso nel tempo (1996) .... Rosanna giovane
Uomini senza donne (1996) .... Ragazza Al Bar
Gratta e vinci (1996) .... Michelle
Viaggi di nozze (1995) .... Mara
I buchi neri (1995) .... Adelaide
... aka Black Holes
I laureati (1995) .... Ragazza Al Bar
... aka Graduates
L'ultimo concerto (1995)
"Scherzi a parte" (1992) TV series .... Co-Host


Manuela Arcuri  - Related Links

Wikipedia: Manuela Arcuri
YouTube: Manuela Arcuri

Manuela Arcuri





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