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Francesca Rettondini


Birth name:

Francesca Rettondini




Verona, Italy



Race or Ethnicity:


Sexual orientation:



Actress, Model




5' 7¼" (1.71 m)


Francesca Rettondini - Pictures

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Francesca Rettondini - Biography


She is most notably known for her screen role as the seductively beautiful Italian singer Francesca in the 2002 horror/thriller movie Ghost Ship, directed by Steve Beck. Ghost Ship was Francesca Rettondini's debut into American cinema, having previously appeared in only Italian films. Though her part was very limited in the story line, Francesca is best remembered in the film Ghost Ship due to her very erotic nude scenes for which she is famous for back home in her native Italy.


Francesca Rettondini - Filmography


DeKronos (2007) .... Stefania
Apocalisse delle scimmie, L' (2005)
Cronaca rosa (2003) .... Deborah
"Elisa di Rivombrosa" (2003) TV Series .... Clelia Bussani
Ghost Ship (2002) .... Francesca
"Angelo il custode" (2001) TV Series .... Simona
"Valeria medico legale" (5 episodes)
- Bentornata Valeria (????) TV Episode
- La gara di nuoto (????) TV Episode
- Mele amare (????) TV Episode
- Una mamma per Valeria (????) TV Episode
- Una rondine non fa primavera (????) TV Episode
Conte di Melissa, Il (2000)
"Sei forte, Maestro" (2000) TV Series .... Claudia Martini
... aka Sei forte, maestro 2 (Italy: second season title)
"Donna per amico 2, Una" (1999) (mini) TV Series
Cronaca di un ricatto (1999) (TV)
Cena, La (1998)
... aka Dīner, Le (France)
... aka The Dinner (International: English title)
Ladri si nasce (1997) (TV)
Ninfa plebea (1996) (uncredited) .... Donna Pentita
... aka The Nymph (USA)
Inverno freddo freddo, Un (1996) .... Luana
Donna in fuga, Una (1996)
Ragazzi della notte (1995) .... Sonia


Francesca Rettondini  - Related Links

Wikipedia: Francesca Rettondini
YouTube: Francesca Rettondini

Francesca Rettondini





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